STEM Activities for Eighth Graders

stem activities eight grade


Eighth grade is a watershed moment in a student’s academic path when their interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) can be cultivated via hands-on study and discovery. In this blog, we will look at a selection of fascinating STEM activities made exclusively for eighth graders. These activities aim to not only improve students’ comprehension of STEM subjects, but also to foster critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.

1. Electricity and Magnetism Experiments

Objective: Use interactive activities to learn about the fundamental principles of electricity and magnetism.

Materials Needed: Materials required include batteries, wiring, light bulbs, magnets, copper coils, iron filings, and compasses.

Activity: Students do hands-on activities to learn about circuits, electromagnetism, and magnetic fields. They create rudimentary circuits, experiment with various arrangements, and investigate magnetic characteristics. Through observation and inquiry, learners get a better understanding of these fundamental concepts.

2. The 3D Printing Design Challenge

Objective: Through a creative challenge, students will learn about the concepts of 3D printing and design thinking.

Materials Required: 3D printers, computers, or tablets running 3D modelling software.

Activity: Students are tasked with creating and developing a working product with 3D modelling software. They generate ideas, design digital products, and iterate based on feedback. After students have finished their designs, they may 3D print them, bringing their ideas to reality. This activity promotes creativity, problem-solving, and practical technical abilities.

Also See: STEM Activities for 8th grade kids

3. Ecological Engineering Project

Objective: To raise awareness of environmental challenges and investigate potential solutions through engineering design.

Materials Needed: Materials needed include recyclable materials, soil, seeds, water, measurement tools, and containers.

Activity: Students work in groups to develop and create prototypes of eco-friendly solutions to specific environmental challenges, such as water contamination or waste management. They investigate existing technology, generate novel concepts, and build prototypes using recyclable materials. They improve their concepts through testing and iteration before presenting them to their peers, increasing environmental awareness and technical innovation.

4. Computer Programming using Raspberry Pi

Objective: Students will learn computer programming and electronics using Raspberry Pi microcomputers.

Materials Needed: Raspberry Pi kits, monitors, keyboards, mice, and internet access.

Activity: Students learn the fundamentals of programming languages like Python and Scratch, as well as hardware interfacing with the Raspberry Pi. They work on hands-on projects including making simple games, building weather stations, and designing home automation systems. This project allows students to investigate the nexus of technology and creativity while learning coding skills applicable to real-world problems.

5. Biotechnology Investigations

Objective: Learn about biotechnology through hands-on activities and research.

Materials Required: Microscopes, agar plates, petri dishes, bacterial cultures, and DNA extraction kits.

Activity: Students examine a variety of biotechnological techniques, including DNA extraction, bacterial culture, and genetic engineering. They research to monitor microbial development, examine DNA samples, and investigate ethical issues in biotechnology. This activity sheds light on the applications and implications of biotechnology in sectors like medical, agriculture, and environmental research.


Engaging eighth graders in STEM activities promotes curiosity, discovery, and invention, which are crucial for academic and personal development. Educators can foster a lifelong passion for STEM by delivering hands-on experiences that integrate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, empowering students to become future leaders and innovators in their industries.

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